Friday, November 26, 2004

|| 2004 Thanksgiving

Li Yan replied, yes, she remembered the turkey dinner of 2000. We were fixated on making our own bird, downloaded recipes, bought stuffings and seasoning, gotten our stove working, but the bird was just not roasting. All others were memories of shopping strategies, or lack of shopping strategies.

Ironically, I am left all alone this year, fighting my way through the cashier's counters in Potomac Mills. Yet I'm supposed to be full and content, now that prospects have changed. I still cannot put that big and heartfelt smiles on my face. Thanksgiving is supposed to be loving and caring. I got my Dad two irregular size pants, a pair of fleece gloves for Mom, and a couple of small things for myself. I also realized that I can virtually start to count down the days that I'm leaving all these behind, sometimes feels like that I'm saying goodbye to the world, the sun system, then setting off to the other galaxy.

Not so fast, not so for sure either.

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