Saturday, December 11, 2004

|| Holiday Parties, No Shimmers

Went to a few new year parties, had expected more sparkles and shimmers.

Betty rented a neighbourhook club house. I preferred the smaller town house, no seating arrangements. And we made all of the food last year, and interestingly enough, everyone changed to safe dishes simultaneously. I reminded Pierre that his greeting message was not as good as last year's. We were probably exhausted, this has been a busy year.

For the first time in my Capital One career, I attended the global finance holiday party. It was quite formal an event, cocktail parties. I said my hellos to everyone I knew, bumped into Chris on my way out. Both of us had been elusive. He was looking to a heavy drinking night.

I went away early. All of a sudden this month of December is already half gone. I'm not expecting anything or anybody, at the same time, I am not expected by anything or anybody. I feel fortunate that this holiday season is half gone. Oh, I wish a star in the sky would take me to my home, thousands of miles away.

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