Saturday, June 22, 2019

|| Numerous hours to conclude

52. Numerous hours to conclude ...

There have been numerous hours, unplanned, and pulled into the mid-year calibration.  Many representations are inflated to protect the associates on the team.  There were few winners and many losers in the process.

- the first mover to the below standard, you suck
- borderline at standard, be prepared it's doing down from here
- clusters of people but they may not want to think that they are the clusters
- a personal brand comes largely the first impression, and it never leaves you or at least for a very long time
- a personal brand is about consistently operating with a certain attitude, aptitude, emotional presence, and emotional intelligence
- network the heck of a life, up and down, left and right, but do not think that you actually know them or assume that you really know them
- surprise factor works when you want to extract the real motives behind people's actions.  there is always one, competing agenda with our own

It's dark, it's darker, and will only go down further.

This week also has an annual rich strategy session at the Eagles Arena.  TECH talk, on the cloud, on the platform, on the data and machine learning.  All of it.

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