Sunday, May 12, 2019

|| Digital venture investing skills

44. Digital venture investing skills

  • The right time, the right place
  • Early stage success
  1. market, paying visionary customers the compelling reasons to buy
  2. product, working core technology
  3. team, capable CEO experiences
  4. financial, viable business model, sufficient runway
  • Mid stage success
  1. critical mass pragmatic customers
  2. whole product
  3. complete healthy team dynamics
  4. healthy gross margin, sufficient runway
  • Late stage success
  1. proven value in multiple niche, marquee customers
  2. scalable product, product development continuity
  3. execution track record, board of directors, no blow ups
  4. healthy net margin
  • roles
  1. middle man
  2. structuring, align the interests of parties involved so that they are mutually protected
  3. VCs must understand historic technology waves as well as predict emerging waves
  4. A savvy Network Connector for sales, customer feedback, and business development. A great VC network includes Sales, Customer Service, Business Development, and Channel Partners
  5. a talent resource for hiring
  6. a brand creator
  7. a technology consultant
  8. leadership and management

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