Monday, June 26, 2006

|| Love Story

Today is Jim's last day here. He's going to Chicago, and to all my astonishment, he does not actually have a prospect of a profession, but just following a long time love of fifteen years. I never imagine Jim being the romantic kind, but stories like these are very moving, and indeed I cannot laugh at him, in the front of others. It is a personal pursuit, a passion and a promise, a sense and a sensibility. He said that he may go into photography that he has great interests in, that he is retiring from the finance profession. I see that people like Shekhar would never care about feelings like that. He is rude and rude, no respect, no taste, no everything. Every departure has a good and sad reason, but I congratulated Jim that he is leaving for a cause that I admire.

This is a delighted season, good-byes, meet-and-greets, all day long. Most recently, I had a real good laugh meeting an interesting couple. The man was addictive to golfing; the woman could hardly hold her tongue. Very comparable people together, and easy going, reminded me of the many who converse easily with people they are not acquainted with. They are just talented, instant bonding, and very welcome too, even when their comments are sometimes imprudent. But they are hardly anybody that we need, besides those good laughs, they are loud, they exaggerate, and they are not sensitive. They are good for each other, but I hardly relate to them at all.

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