Saturday, April 13, 2019

|| Small Job

31. Small Job

Life is not good and not getting better, from work pressure, the loss of the advanced parole letter in the mail also friends are not offering any mental support.  Frustration seems to be a lonely thing, my friends don't want it, my mother screens out of it, and it is only stuck with me.

I am offered a small job, smaller than who I think I am.  At times we say some people are the chosen one, what if the chosen path is smaller than what I want to be, 1) personal brand and the perceived brand are not matching 2) the strengths and the contribution values are less than the "market value", and in this case, an internal market valuation 3) the pressure comes from outside of me that does not involve me. 

As suspected, despite the talks of diversity, inclusion, choosing your own paths, the corporate world is a snobbish one.  It will have to give and take, and at times, it's the soul.  If I am not willing to give my free soul, I will need to think about the practical path.

How do I decline a small job?  My professional brand is all-in-economics with slight more specialization in FTP, capital and consumer credit.  The skills I want to work on are strategy thinking, executive influence, trade-off hard decisions, board service, workshop content creation, social equity.  The happy job moments for me are when I create a path to solve financial problems, when I bring the big picture state of the union business update for product managers for awareness that their works are contributing to the bottom line, when the folks I chat with telling me that I just said something that inspired them.  The jobs that will interest me and also will use the biggest of my knowledge and skills, if I think inside the box, CFO jobs; and if I think outside of the box, corporate development, corporate strategy, account / asset business acquisition.

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