Sunday, April 07, 2019

|| The Chosen One

26. "The chosen one ..."

These days the chosen one turns off people for not being inclusive, potentially bias driven decision making.  The same may be going on with choosing the computing or reporting tools at the workplace.  Society is full of options for human beings who should master their own destinies.  

In the field of the coding, for instance, there are literally masses of other languages that we can use for data science, but, in comparison with R and Python, they are slightly not so well-suited and general-purposeful.  1) ease of learning the syntax 2) a growing community and open source, the richness of the library 3) applications of both data cleaning, modeling, searching, mathematical functioning, web application, compatibility, etc.

We should understand the choice of a language remains just a tool in a programmer’s hands. Naturally, it is substantial to manipulate it confidently to generate a superior solution. But, in the first place should represent the developer’s skill.  

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