Sunday, April 07, 2019

|| Data Blueprint

21. Data blueprint

  • Financial data are actuals and forecasts
  • MAPS is a management accounting system with the primary objective of being the system of record for external reporting; CAP is an internal and analytical system
  • Let's talk about MAPS. MAPS has actuals and forecasts.  Originally CFAR, the Hyperion Essbase reporting system existed for as long as when I joined the company
  • Where do actuals come from?  1) every product line has its own processor with account level transaction information from tsys, impacs / systematics, profile, ALS, ACBS etc., and data links extracts and aggregates the account level information to feed into MAPS 2) accounting systems feeds maps with real cash operating accounts into our general ledgers
  • Where do the forecasts come from?  1) financial analysts forecasts into Direx and Forecast and data links feeds into MAPS 2) MAPS itself has calculations on the derived items, such as capital, top of house items
  • MAPS will end its support in 2020, Oracle will only offer a brand new system with a completely different look and feel.  MAPS is mainframe, not cloud compatible.  It requires 26K+ lines of codes to implement a change of its interaction with the rest of the cloud-ready system or table.  It is time to say farewell, and it's no way of going back
  • MAPS will be replaced with OneStream

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