Sunday, April 07, 2019

|| Role in women's network

1. What is your role in facilitating the women's networking activities?  41 seconds

It's an honor working for a team of amazing women, on topics that are near and dear to our hearts. 1) I bring resources that inspire the women, the research papers, articles, videos, movies, books.  2) I encourage the women to come to our townhall style quarterly discussion.  Women want to help women elevate our presence, contribution, and accomplishments in workplace.  3) Also, last year we invited all associate, women, and men, to come and learn about pay equality.  We are exploring new ideas this year, such as women networking, volunteer to help the women in the local community and collaborate with the D&I council to learn about the hidden bias.  It's going to be a journey and we are just at the beginning of it.

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