- situations - condense 60-day forecast into 30-day
- task - getting 40 analysts and 10 teams to function differently, short cycle, change controls, analytical rigor, process redesign
- action -
- I put a premium on communication and cycle information quickly, leveraging slack channel, the confluence pages, office hours to do real-time info sharing
- I advocate a set of analysis on the common variables, such as volumes, market rates, saving analysts time as they won't have to pursue their own
- I institute analytical standard to address the needs of the analytics, year over year
- I also make sure I have quick 1x1 with leaders of the business to elevate from the numbers to the storytelling
- results -
- high-quality product, analysis, meets the need, without dragging the teams to endless hours of repetitive works
- some of the learnings have influenced us to make a permanent enhancement to the forecast process
Difficult customers - different styles
- situation - a customer who is very detail-oriented, conservative and risk management focus
- challenge - teams are feeling tired and feel his questions are intimidating, the reputation of a difficult customer
- action -
- I personally dive into details along with him, be a good listener as I learn why the details matter to the customer
- I also appropriately ask, how often do they occur, the variability of the drivers, what is the downside of not knowing all of it
- I raise awareness that not all things are equal of business leverage, and things require a different level of effort
- I also gather support, buy-in from his own team about where the models are strong with predictive power, where things will require attention
- I led the collective recommendation of simplifying the reviews, some in difference paces, different frequencies, also the monitoring and escalation plan
- result - again high-quality forecast, focusing on solving the real problems vs forecasting problems, better morale of accomplishments
Analytical Failure
- situation - brand new marketing campaign, market test varies a lot between 5% to 40% impact
- challenge - national advertising, applying market-based tests into the national scale; recency bias, availability bais, taking the easy route, making everyone happy bias ... at times, at the spur of the moment, we choose the safe bet
- act -
- foster a personal board of director, marketing, product, cost in the ecosystem
- have the patience to ask everyone for what is the binding constraint, and how that impacts the business they are in
- have a disciplined framework, and have consistent usage of it
- result - people have trust, we look out for each other
Relationship Failure
- situation - one person was not responsive
- challenge - this person is in the upstream of creating the common variables of the forecast, his silence is making people feel being left out in the dark, frustration
- act -
- I invited the analyst community to do a powerday, flow chart mapping, challenging each other why things need to happen the way this is
- I gathered inputs and calibrated, identifying that this person is the single person dependency because he takes on too much of the work and they all happen at about the same time
- I highlighted the constraint with accountable executives and proposed making the adjustment to the workflows
- I also coached this person to have dedicated communication work block, talking in the slack channel, have the base to support him as he breaks the news of many important things around account origination
- result - establishing trust across human beings, getting to the deeper iceberg and explore human traits
Goal setting
- situation - enablement score is 40% low, having the tools to get things done, it's difficult to do work
- challenge - there has been no top-down determination of a chosen systems
- action - smart goals
- I advocated 20/20, to create room to learn new skills, and initially, there is no stipulation as to what they learn
- I also study group with our most technical analyst leading everyone to download software and do coding, everyone learns at the same pace
- I measure, the number of hours, spent, share with the team, and eventually, we will measure how many of the team analysts are capable with SQL, Python, etc
- result - big turnaround, 70%; pay attention there will be result, prioritize, there will be result
- situation - during financial and business planning, the strategy calls for branch reduction
- challenge - there is a lot of myth, for instance, fear of sales loss, book of business ... made it really difficult to engage with good inputs
- act -
- I am obsessed with context and transparent for what we know, where we put our bets, what risk mitigation actions exit
- I use data driven insights, for low to mid income people, de-mystifies the story
- I pay lots of visit to leadership offsite, panel discussions to share what I had learned during the financial planning work
- result - happiness to be part of the destination, learning new skills, creating new opportunities, give us good inputs
Successful presentation
- situation - military
- challenge - different background
- act -
- get insider to tell me
- ask what they are interested in hearing
- simplify, simplify, more visual
- story as opposed to sharing fact
- highly recommended, so good, favorite ... at the same time, wall street talk
Learning new jobs
- situation - change from card to bank
- act -
- interview predecessors, people first, finding my allies
- interview business customers, team members, people first
- process - workshop to document workflows, hands on to see data lineage, level of effort, forecast methodologies, cycle information very quickly
- process - tell people what worked for my prior life before, see if they are interested in something
- product - the look and feel, the brand of it, new name, new look etc
- happy customers
Change management
- be obsessed with context
- always learning, curiosity
- bring everyone along, workgroups, sessions, measurements, enablements
Time management / major project
- forecast improvements
- I organize the powerday, 200 ideas
- I invented the weight system
- I do exec share out, analyst share out, 1x1 counseling
- invite design thinking, product managers, different perspectives
- ownership
- pod style self-management
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