A. getting rejected by a very promising internal lead, and that really hurts
B. seeing men sound so easy with getting up and high with just "general problem skills" whereas people like me having to prove every single data point
C. seeing diverse people not helping diverse people to succeed, because they are too busy protecting their own interests
D. high possibility that all of my leads are going down from now. I have under-estimated the difficulty of making my way, optimism has blindsided me
E. networking takes time and effort, and what I had done is not enough
- What is the strategic significance of the product, the business, the roles we are creating? We had a lot of growth over the years, and want to put up a good brake system to enable future growth and improve resiliency
- How do you create your agenda, there might be many good ideas out there
- strategic issue - identify to address; collect industry/market data; customer insights; determine strengths and weaknesses; synthesize
- develop strategic - core purpose, core beliefs, org-wide strategies, long term objectives, balanced framework with objectives, financial projections
- build plan - smart goals, set priorities, KPI, team member goals, budget
- manage performance - roll out, set calendar, leverage tools, adapt quarterly, update annually
- What are your biggest contributions
- breakthrough the noises, develop my story and influence business AEs to work on the right agenda for operational readiness on checking the national growth ... scale
- Identifying what makes you unique, breakthrough the noises
- Developing your story and key messages, call to action
- Building your content strategy and increasing your in-person and online visibility, 1x1s and small leadership offsite roadshows
- Ongoing support for developing and publishing content
- Including content such as blogging, award submissions, and speaking materials
- situation - traditionally, revenue teams cheers for account growth whereas cost teams cheers for service levels (volumes) and disciplined cost management
- checking product expanded eligibility approvals, lower qualifile accounts have 2x the cost of fraud and call center, volumes increasing out-sized and service level suffers then the business had to tighten
- influence agenda at multiple levels, create awareness, motivated MVP to leverage account-level data to educate where the profitability drivers are
- road-show finance storytelling in multiple leadership offsite to motivate additional teams to proactively think about strategies to enable growth; service levels, diversifying channels, sourcing agenda between vendor and in-house
- directing business analytical standard as to go-no go impact both horizontal and vertical, between marginal and variable nuances
- putting together general manager hat to do round table considerations of financials, operations, tech, CRA requirements ... to reach the right conclusions for decision making
- integrated answer to the case when two distinct business models merge with all drivers on the move but with inter-dependencies
- spending time on data, fact, model strength and weakness, data representation, ranges of the outcome, inter-connectedness
- cycle information quickly and highlight business leverage, sensitivity, where things matter for financials
- direct the AEs and the models move towards a combined strategy with a mutual goal outcome, eg. closing branches, losing x % sales but claw back from the digital channel, to be measured by which team
- created high-level financial modeling for unproven, untested strategies, two steps checking by leveraging ING international research
- In card,
- financial planning integrated with business planning at the recession time; massive marketing / new account pull back, credit line pull back, up to date financials to inform senior leaderships, before CCAR, base case and stressed P&L with levers to pull ...
- implement corporate finance regulatory changes into valuations, cash cashflows into GAAP cashflows, rewards, reserves, capital, every step of the way educating and influencing on how finance changes impact acquisitions, and the business leverages (data, negotations between lobs and corporate)
- scenarios of card act fee pricing changes, venture national marketing and business case, many new destination economics, tracks, etc
- people leadership
- everyone is their own leader, give them opportunities to shine, to contribute, to create their legacy; invite everyone for team development
- be obsessed with corporate context, work for a purpose
- inclusive starts from "i", sharing information but not judgment, leverage people network to make better decisions, chat or have lunch who is not like you
- take social roles for a stronger advocate for your resource groups, women's network, eagles, and talk about that work
- Biggest strength
- Curious and always learning from everyone everywhere, cycle information very quickly, get to the core/theme, asking the right questions to provoke deeper thinking on analytics approach and learnings
- Expansive thinking and talking, obsessed with context, history, current and where things go ... the cost is I always go longer
- Balanced approach, but always start with data, routines, follow them as they enable disciplined thinking, decisions and etc
- Telling story, get everyone feel excited
- Biggest opportunity
- Things run longer, not concise enough
- Introvert by nature, small voices, always battle when I should speak first and speak up
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