I was persuaded, very reluctantly, to go to a hockey game in the DC Verizon Center. It matched the weather well, to have a kiss with the ice before it all comes to an end. By the way, this is the official cherry blossom week, but the peak had passed just this last week. I was correctly informed of the blossom calendar, but misjudged the actual timing. I was lured into driving three hours plus metro one hour for a three hour game in the downtown gallery plaza because we could stay in the Capital One corporate box which I heard is well worth going. Well, at least I did not misjudge this one.

All right, this is the Verizon center. It was spectacular. Actual game sites have so much excitement, can't help it, but join the craze, the fury, the scream. Yes, the commentator has the deep and deep tone to call out the names of players with scalloped spotlights shedding on the icy court. Hockey games are not difficult to follow, it was like a smaller court for soccer on ice. Well, I thought I should hale for the host Washington Capital, but it was certainly the win of the Buffalo Sabres. I accidentally wore all white, which I was very happy with, because it looked like I was with the majority Sabres fans.

The court was full, and half wearing team's shirts. Love them, sometimes flipping the People's magazine, and you see shots taken from the game court, couples, those smiles were the most genuine and admirable. Now I see why we love games, crank it up, no matter what we have to deal with, unleash the passions, even though it is just for the moment.

Backyards in the early morning, the snow was all gone by the time I came back from DC.

Cleaning up the car while waiting for Wei's pick-up.

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