Saturday, April 16, 2011

|| Finding Facts

Within a week, the trees have grown out of their wretched condition from the fall/winter. The warmth, the rain, the month of April, quickly entrenched stems of plants and spreaded all around the grassy grounds. After this week, it's all going to be leafy greens, a more matured greenish green and people stop paying attention to them. This seems to be rule of the nature.

A friend's friend was recently rejected after coming on-site for interviews, because the hiring manager said no. Being a really really curious creature which I had almost forgot of myself, I tried to find out all facts about this "cruel" person. Fact finding has become a lot easier these days. Two ubiquitous social websites, linkedin and facebook, can tell stories for people who care about making themselves known to the world. So I discovered many facts, and there are means to do even more research for more facts. In this particular case, I was upset because I recently talked to this person and couldn't find any merit or excitement after that conversation. All seems to be confirmed by a lackluster resume, a patchy step functions each of which merely lasted for 9 months. But this is the new and shiny rising star, a perfect candidate for a white boy's club. Why shall I feel injustice, it is everywhere, isn't it. No, I don't mind tyranny or suppression, but I needed this rule of the nature book that told me these things ten years ago, but none was there. I felt beaten down, recently life hasn't been cheerful and there is little I can do to change. It's harder to smile, to heal, or to have a listener.

I forgot fact finding is painful, many times, not knowing is happier.

Monday, April 04, 2011

|| Planning is Tiresome

General website and Schedules –
Day 1 (sat 6/25): arrive at Anchorage, stay at Microtel Inn at airport:

Day 2 (sun 6/26)

Day 3 (mon 6/27): Day 5 (wed 6/29): Day 6 (thur 6/30): Day 7 (fri 7/1): Denali: Wonder Lake Shuttle Bus
  • 86 Miles One Way - 11 hours Round Trip
  • Created by retreating glaciers, Wonder Lake offers visitors stunning views of Mount McKinley and the Alaska Range as weather permits. Along the road, alder and willow carpeted hills are dotted with kettle ponds often frequented by waterfowl and other wildlife. Please note that to access Reflection Pond, an amazing photo stop in a clear day, you will need to utilize the Kantishna Shuttle Bus or hike 2.5 miles from the Wonder Lake turnaround stop.
Outside the park
  • Most park visitors stay somewhere outside of the park. The nearest communities are Healy, located about 11 miles north of the park entrance, and Cantwell, located about 30 miles south of the park entrance. Many hotels, motels, B&Bs, etc., exist in those communities and along the highway between them.
  • Many businesses list their address as a specific "mile post" along the highway. To help make sense of that, the park entrance is milepost 237. Mileposts higher in number are north (i.e., towards Healy), and mileposts lower in number are south (i.e., towards Cantwell). So, if a hotel lists their address as milepost 239, they are two miles north of the park entrance.
  • A valuable resource for finding a place to stay is the Greater Healy/Denali Chamber of Commerce.
Columbia Glacier Cruise

Major Marine Tours